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New Drilling Method Opens Vast Oil Fields In Us
When it comes to the world of oil& & gas drilling, new technologies are always crucial for a success. Just recently a brand new technique was developed and… Assuming that you will go the easy…

USGS downgrades oil, gas estimates for Monterey formation, San Joaquin basin
Newest development in the CA state legislature made it obligatory to add a solar panel or two atop of any newly built building… Though now it concerns the city of San Francisco only… Assuming that…

Demanding 'Big Oil' pay its fair share
While everyone in the industry knows very well, that the US Sen. Robert Menendez (D-NJ) attended a recent Senate Finance Committee hearing… Assuming that you will go the easy way and choose a theme for…

Sudan: Obama urges ceasefire in oil-rich south
While it is silly and paranoid to suggest, that all of the world politics revolves around the oil prices all the time, this Sudanese case may be all over again about that… Assuming that you…

Senate ethanol vote: symbolic or something more?
Ask any construction business professional or an architect if they suffer from tantrums when penning their contract drawings, and you are more than likely to hear an enthusiastically frustrated, “YES!” Assuming that you will go…

BP shrugs off tax woes to invest in UK's North Sea
This hotel & casino complex is our most recent completed building… The whole structure that took us 6 months to build proudly observes the Atlantic city from a bird’s flight height of… Assuming that you…

South Sudan forms oil marketing venture with Glencore
Delaware proved to be a very friendly place to work at… While invited there for completing a mid-sized warehouse for a local bikes parts manufacturer, we’ve also enjoyed visiting the state’s… Assuming that you will…

Canadian oil sands output poised for growth despite oil prices
This project turned out to be exciting from the very beginning… To start with its complexity, besides designing a regular building for an embassy, we’ve been additionally tasked with extra security… Assuming that you will…

Improve federal oil spill research coordination, GAO urges
While you might have thought that it was the housing market crisis back in 2008 which caused this trend, the reality is actually quite different. The log cabin frenzy has started as… Assuming that you…